Open web pages in external browser

A lot of users have been asking us to open web pages in the external browser instead of inside feedly so we spent some time and implemented this feature as part of the 25.0.4 update we just pushed to the beta channel (note: there is a settings option called “open external browser” to disable this feature if you prefer to open web pages in feedly.

Open Browser Directly

New fonts and font sizes

As part of version 25.0.4, we also focused on improving readability of articles by offering users a new set of fonts and font sizes.

New Mobile Fonts

Different people like different fonts so we are offering a set of settings to let you fully control the reading experience.

Screenshot 2014-12-14 15.18.44

Happy eyes, happy reading. One of our goals for 2015 is to continuously improve the reading experience and make feedly the reference when it comes to reading web content so if you have suggestions on how to improve legibility or productivity please let us know.

25.0.4 is currently in beta. If everything goes well, it should be promoted to the main channel on Monday or Tuesday.

Update Dec 17th: The result from the beta is that this build dramatically reduces the number of crashes so we just promoted 25.0.4 to the main channel.

/Edwin, Seb and Michal

Source: ARI Feed