
Feedly and Google have been collaborating on integrating feedly into Google Now so that your most important stories surface in your Google Now stream. We recently rolled out this feature in beta and are seeing a high 14% tap-through rate with the feedly cards. We are excited to announce that the feature is now being rolled out to everyone.

Your important stories come to you

We believe reading sparks magic moments when ideas, knowledge, and creativity seamlessly come together. It’s the core reason why we work so hard to make feedly the most efficient way to personalize and read the content that’s important to you.

We spend a lot of time talking to our users, and we know that most of you weave what you read into your everyday life—to get better at what you do, to keep you ahead of what’s going on, to stay inspired, to learn new things, and be productive. We know that the ability to personalize this experience—when and how you get your news—and to integrate it with other services you use is just as important.

Google Now allows you to easily access specific information in the time and place that it’s most useful to you. As we keep expanding the number of integrations available to feedly users, Google Now seemed like a fitting service for our users, so that you can easily have the stories you need the most come to you, without you having to look for it yourself.

With feedly Now cards, feedly will find the trending stories in the publications you follow and surface them to you throughout the day through Google Now. And you can personalize this experience even more: If you have favorite publications or blogs that you’d love to see in Google Now, you can tell us to follow these stories more closely by marking those sources as must-read in your feedly.

For instance, if you are a PR manager in tech, you can mark the top-tier tech blogs as “must read,” so that breaking stories automagically come to you. Or if you are a physician following the latest in, say, pediatrics or infectious diseases, you can mark your favorite journals as must-read, so that the big stories from these favorite sources surface in your Google Now stream.

Turn it on!

To start seeing feedly Now cards, please make sure you have the latest Google app and feedly app installed on your Android device and are logged into feedly.com. Simply tap the blue Google app icon to see your Now cards.  You’re good to go!

feedly for Android

(You can also opt out by clicking the settings icon next to the feedly Now card in the Google Now app. Go here to learn more about turning off Google Now cards.)

Open Design Contest

We would love to hear from the feedly community about how we could improve the personalization engine powering this feature and give you more control over which stories should be surfaced in Google Now. Please leave some suggestions by commenting on this blog post, and we’ll pick two of our favorite suggestions, implement them, and offer a lifetime feedly Pro subscription to the lucky people who suggested them!

We’ll use all of your feedback, so that we can iterate quickly on the next version of feedly Now cards, which we plan to push soon.

Team feedly

Source: ARI Feed